Singing Guide: Hillsong United

Singing Guide: Hillsong United

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Hillsong United

For those who don't know, Hillsong United is a popular Australian Christian music group that formed in 1998. Their music is loved by Christians worldwide, and they have released over 20 albums in the last two decades. Their unique vocal technique, which incorporates harmonies and emphasizes the message of the music, is something that many singers want to learn. Here are some tips and resources that can help you learn to sing like Hillsong United.

Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques are essential when learning to sing like Hillsong United as they help promote proper airflow and vocal support. Our "Breath Support" article shows you how to breathe correctly while singing, helping with smooth phrasing and sustaining long notes. Another must-read article is "Active and Passive Breathing," which explains the different types of breathing and why you should know both.

Vocal Warmups

Vocal warmup exercises are crucial for any singer, and the "How to Twang Exercise" video from Singing Carrots is one you will find beneficial. The video covers how to find and use the twang mechanism to get a clear and powerful sound. Another helpful exercise is "Farinelli Breathing," which teaches you how to use your diaphragm for breath support.

Voice Register Techniques

Knowing how to use your voice registers is essential when attempting to replicate Hillsong United's vocal technique. Singing Carrots has a great article about "voice registers and vocal breaks" that can teach you how to use your different registers. The two related videos are informative, too (Mixed Voice and Voice Break).

Singing Dynamics

Hillsong United is known for its unique vocal dynamics and using voice to emphasize message delivery. This approach is evident in songs like "Oceans," where the lyrics are powerful and need support. The "Sustain Vocal" video can teach you how to elongate your phrasing, emphasizing the message and keeping the audience engaged. The video on "Relaxing Breath" is also an excellent resource to help keep your muscles and vocal cords loose.

Singing Technique

The Hillsong United group is known for its exquisite simplicity. Instead of trying to perform an overly complex vocal arrangement, they stick to simplicity and focus on the message. The "Song Search" tool on Singing Carrots can help you find the proper songs that match your vocal range, genre, and difficulty. You can also find music sheets, sheet music, and even YouTube audio to help you practice.


Learning to sing like Hillsong United requires patience, focus, and resources. As outlined in this article, there are breathing and vocal techniques, supportive warmup exercises, voice register techniques, and singing dynamics that you need to know. The Singing Carrots tools and exercises (such as the pitch monitor, pitch training educational singing game, and others described in detail here) can help too. With these resources, you're sure to get as close to replicating Hillsong United's unique vocal sound as possible.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.